You Are Enough. You Are More Than Enough.

6/28/2019 02:44:00 PM

It really sucks when there are days that you feel like you are not enough... and this goes for any aspect of your life — may it be for school, for friends, for work, for family, or even for relationships.

This is a feeling that you try so hard to shake off of your mind.

I know. Because I've been there too.

There are times you beat yourself up over things that do not really matter. There are times you compare yourself to others, only to know that you come up short. There are times you feel like you have already did your very best, but it still isn't enough.

It's so easy to be dragged down by your own thoughts, right?

While this is perfectly normal, as it's part of what we call "human nature", you should be cautious if you find yourself thinking that "you are not good enough". It is important for you to take immediate actions to ensure that you do not continue to feel this way as it is not really healthy for you.

I would like to share with you some thoughts and reminders you could ponder on if you think that you and your best are not good enough:

You are enough
The key to being good enough is to think and establish that you are good enough. Let your negative thoughts float away. Always remember that you are not defined by your value to any other person on the face of this Earth besides yourself. You will never be good enough for yourself when your goal is to be good enough for someone else.

You are just as good as them
Most of the times, it's the comparisons that make you feel inadequate. Comparing yourself to other people often do nothing but cause damage to your self-esteem. While you see other people better than you, underneath it all, they are not different from you. You are just as good as them. Pay attention to what you are rather than to what you are not.

Discover self-worth
To truly discover your self-worth, you must learn to love yourself first. Being in love with yourself provides you with a confidence that is built from the outside in. You should never look for validation from others, the true power lies within you. If your self-worth keeps shifting based on the people you spend time with, maybe it’s time to stop only seeing yourself through other people’s eyes.

Reframe your mindset
Be positive! It can always improve any situation, no matter how dire it may appear. The untrained mind will always wander to what’s potentially wrong, this is something you have to work on, and adjust. Always work to find the little things that help you feel better about yourself, then take baby steps to complete those things.

Everyone makes mistakes
Failed in some ways? That's OK. Imperfect in some ways? That's OK. If the only way you see yourself is through the lens of what you still have to fix, you will never be at peace. When you continually learn and grow from your mistakes, you begin to see bigger success in your life.

You can't please everyone
You are absolutely never going to feel good enough if you keep on trying to do things you don’t actually want to do, just because you want to please everyone. Remember that if people have no intention of seeing your worth, no matter how you do to try to convince them, they will not see it.

Not all people know about this you-are-not-good-enough feeling. If you don't feel the same way, keep it up. If you do, don't worry that much because you are not alone in facing this 'fear'.

Whatever reason you have in mind, if you feel like you’re not good enough, I want you to know that you are enough. You are more than enough.

You have always been good enough and no one can ever take that away from you. Sometimes, all you need is a little reminder of your worth. Stop being someone else's ideal, and go figure out what is yours.

Inhale love, exhale hate!
♥ KIN ♥

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