
6/24/2014 11:13:00 AM

"Oh these times are hard. Yeah, they're making us crazy, don't give up on me baby." ♫ 
    For The First Time by The Script

Well, yeah. I'm listening to this song over and over again. It is currently on repeat in my playlist since this morning. I don't know why, but I just feel so gloomy today. And whenever this happens to me, I always listen to The Script's For The First Time. Perhaps I find a little piece of solace in it. ☺

The attack of this dysphoria is eating me all up inside. I don't know what to do. I am currently exchanging text messages to someone and it took me more than half an hour to respond to him just because every time I touch those little keys in my mobile phone's screen, my emotion keeps on piling up. And I am too afraid to suddenly burst out into tears. Having shallow tears has been my dilemma ever since. And it's not good at all because in the first place, I am currently in a quasi-public place and I can't let it all out here. Not a good idea to mess up in the office, right?

Maybe I just need a hug? Yes?

Oh whatever it is that I am feeling right now, I know and I believe that everything will be okay in the end. Maybe not now, but tomorrow. I entrust to You everything, Lord. ☺

Inhale love, exhale hate!
♥ KIN ♥

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