The Art of Appreciation: Why It Can Make A Difference

2/25/2016 11:00:00 AM

Remember Donald Peterson, the former chairman of Ford Motor Company? He once said that the most important ten minutes of his day were spent boosting the people around him.

Some parents believed in the philosophy of not over-indulging their children in praises. But as a matter of fact, as human beings, we all need to be valued and to be recognized for all our efforts.

I know a lot of people who feel like their effort isn't acknowledged at all. They usually starve for appreciation. I firmly believe that it's not because they are insecure or needy, but because of a plain fact that they are humans. There's a distinct difference between being "needy" and being "appreciated".

But why are we encouraged to give praises?

Well, for some people, it makes them feel more valued. And when people feel that you value them, they become more passionate about what they are doing.

I once attended a small group gathering wherein we were in a circle and we were asked to "honor" the people we would love to give honor to during that night. Before long, others were already chiming in. The positive energy was very contagious, but it's not something we can ever take for granted.

Feeling genuinely appreciated lifts people up. Yes, it's proven. At the most basic level, it makes us feel safe, which is what frees us to do our best. It's also invigorating. On the other hand, when our value feels at risk, it drains and diverts our energy from creating value.

Encouragement is more than just getting the best out of one person. It's about making a meaningful impact on other people's lives. Not only can a few genuine words of encouragement brighten someone else's day today, but you may be leaving them with something that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

Perhaps heartfelt appreciation is a muscle we've not spent much time building. So anyone here who's up for a challenge? C'mon! Let's make it a daily habit of asking ourselves who could we encourage at the moment. It could just be a small-scale monumental feat (because we really don't need to wait for the big ones just to praise people). It could be a friend who just started his long-overdue workout plan. It could be your younger sibling who got a star stamp at the back of his palm. It could be your officemate who went to work earlier than the usual. See? It could be anyone, anywhere! A word of encouragement for something small or for someone who is in the midst of challenging times is way more meaningful than waiting until someone has won the gold or has crossed the finish line.

Who knows what impact your little words can have on another person's spirit? Who knows what impact your little words can have on your own life? I am convinced by the universal law of life that what goes around, comes around. Remember that the human instinct for reciprocity runs so deep.

So talking about encouragement? Give generously, it's for F R E E anyway!! ☺☺

Inhale love, exhale hate!
♥ KIN ♥

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